ࡱ> \^[ bjbj 4bee 6`````ttt8$tH$@ X```v``:g,`>=-}QR 0HRJ!J!J!`HJ! &:  Name: __________________________________ DOB: ___________________________________ MR#: ___________________________________ Diabetes Mellitus (Adult Onset) Purpose: To provide the patient with knowledge Teaching Flowsheet and skills to manage Diabetes Mellitus. Patient Learning Need/Goal Pt. will know or demonstrate proficiency inInitial SessionReview SessionComments (Also see Progress Notes)DateLearn LevelDM Educ.DateLearn LevelDM Educ.A. General Facts About Diabetes Mellitus What is Diabetes Mellitus? Basic Pathophysiology of Type I/Type II Diabetes Mellitus Normal and Abnormal Glucose Levels Normal and Abnormal HgbAIC Levels Results and Significance of DCCT ReportB. Dietary Management Weight Reduction Targets How to Follow ADA Dietary GuidelinesC. Treatment of DM w/Oral Hypoglycemic Agents Type & Action of Drugs (incl. onset, peak & duration) Doseges Interactions, Side Effects & Adverse ReactionsD. Treatment of DM w/Oral Hypoglycemic Agents Type & Action of Insulin (incl. onset, peak & duration) Doseges Interactions, Side Effects & Adverse Reactions Proper Technique of Insulin Injection (w pt. demo.)E. Hypoglycemia & Hyperglycemia Signs and Symptoms Treatment of Hypoglycemia F. Blood Glucose Monitoring (BGM) Use of Fingerstick Glucometer (w pt. demonstration) Urine Testing for Keynotes Diary KeepingG. Exercise Benefits of Exercise Pt. Exercise Limits & Ability to Perform ADLs Types of Exercise & Location of Exercise ProgramsH. Complications of Diabetes Mellitus Cardiovascular Events (esp. w/Smoking, HTN, Cholesterol) Blindness Infection of Limb or LossI. Prevention of Complications of Diabetes Mellitus Personal Hygiene (incl. skin & foot care) Benefit of Ophthalmologic Exam Benefits of Regular Podiatry Visits Benefits of Annual Dental Exam Recognition of Signs & Symptoms of InfectionJ. Managing Sick Days and Illness When to call a Nurse or Physician Adjustment of Food & Medication to IllnessK. Psychological AdjustmentL. Patient Responsibilities in the Care of Diabetes Importance of Compliance w/Diet & Medications Adjustment of Regular Follow-upM. Family Education Signs & Symptoms of Hypoglycemia & Hyperglycemia Emergency Treatment of Hyperglycemia ADA Dietary GuidelinesN. Smoking CessationO. Miscellaneous Spares & Acquisition of Diabetic Equip. & Supplies Benefits & Responsibilities of Care     http://www.acponline.org/practiceforms -23bg ) * E r   : ;    xmxah7phMj)6CJaJh7ph0CJaJh7phMj)CJaJh7phMj)CJaJh7phMj)5CJaJhMj)h7phB 6hB h7phB CJaJh7phB 5CJaJh5h}|6 h5h5 h56h55CJaJhFjDhbrcCJaJhFjDCJaJhFjDh5CJaJh5!35hi* E r $$Ifa$gd7p P^P`gd5 \PPPPPPPP $$Ifa$gd7pkd$$Ifl4C\",`` t0,44 lalyt7p $Ifgd5 $$Ifa$gd7p kd$$Ifl4Fִ", ,*  t0,    44 lalyt7p  5 l ~     $Ifgd5 $IfgdMj) $IfgdB   kd$$Iflִ",,* t0,    44 lalyt7p  9 c d e f g h i j $Ifgd5   c i j k    7 C O P  * f m n wla]QF;7h3 h7ph3 CJaJh7ph3 CJaJh7ph3 5CJaJhp.h7php.CJaJh7php.CJaJh7phb5CJaJh7phd 5CJaJh7php.5CJaJhL[h7phL[CJaJh7phL[CJaJh7ph05CJaJh7phL[5CJaJhl^,h7phl^,CJaJh7phl^,6CJaJh7phl^,CJaJh7phl^,5CJaJj k kd$$Iflִ",,* t0,    44 lalyt7pk         $IfgdL[ $If]gd7p $Ifgd5   kdp$$Iflִ",,* t0,    44 lalyt7p K        $If]gd7p $Ifgd5 kdI$$Iflִ",,* t0,    44 lalyt7p * B f g h i j k l m $Ifgd5 m n kd"$$Iflִ",,* t0,    44 lalyt7pn  $Ifgd5 n 8?@txyFMNptu·vkv`\PEkEkEh7phPCJaJh7phP5CJaJh}Zh7ph}ZCJaJh7ph0CJaJh7ph}ZCJaJh7ph}Z5CJaJh h7ph CJaJh7ph CJaJh7ph 5CJaJh1hh7ph1hCJaJh7ph1hCJaJh7ph1h5CJaJhFFh7phFFCJaJh7phFFCJaJh7phFF5CJaJkd$$Iflִ",,* t0,    44 lalyt7p*] $Ifgd5 kd$$Iflִ",,* t0,    44 lalyt7p 89:;<=>? $Ifgdx-9 $Ifgd5 ?@kd$$Iflִ",,* t0,    44 lalyt7p@tFGHIJKLM $Ifgd5 $Ifgd}Z MNkd$$Iflִ",,* t0,    44 lalyt7pNp $Ifgd5 '.56Gʿʿʴʿh5heRh{=jh{=Uh5h56hxYh7phxYCJaJh7phxYCJaJh7phxY5CJaJh0h7ph0CJaJh7ph05CJaJhPh7phPCJaJ!kd_ $$Iflִ",,* t0,    44 lalyt7p $Ifgd5 $Ifgd0kd8 $$Iflִ",,* t0,    44 lalyt7p'Z $Ifgd5 kd $$Iflִ",,* t0,    44 lalyt7p $If]gd7p $Ifgd5 kd $$Iflִ",,* t0,    44 lalyt7p./012345 $Ifgd5 $IfgdxY56kd $$Iflִ",,* t0,    44 lalyt7p6G $Ifgd5 kd $$Iflִ",,* t0,    44 lalyt7p$a$gdeRgdeR P^P`gd521h:pME+/ =!"Z# $ % $$Ifl!vh#v#v#v#v :V l4C t0,++,,,5555 alyt7p$$Ifl!vh#v#v#v#v,#v#v*#v#v :V l4F t0,++,,5555,55*55 alyt7p$$Ifl!vh#v#v#v#v,#v#v*#v#v :V l t0,5555,55*55 alyt7p$$Ifl!vh#v#v#v#v,#v#v*#v#v :V l t0,5555,55*55 alyt7p$$Ifl!vh#v#v#v#v,#v#v*#v#v :V l t0,5555,55*55 alyt7p$$Ifl!vh#v#v#v#v,#v#v*#v#v :V l t0,5555,55*55 alyt7p$$Ifl!vh#v#v#v#v,#v#v*#v#v :V l t0,5555,55*55 alyt7p$$Ifl!vh#v#v#v#v,#v#v*#v#v :V l t0,5555,55*55 alyt7p$$Ifl!vh#v#v#v#v,#v#v*#v#v :V l t0,5555,55*55 alyt7p$$Ifl!vh#v#v#v#v,#v#v*#v#v :V l t0,5555,55*55 alyt7p$$Ifl!vh#v#v#v#v,#v#v*#v#v :V l t0,5555,55*55 alyt7p$$Ifl!vh#v#v#v#v,#v#v*#v#v :V l t0,5555,55*55 alyt7p$$Ifl!vh#v#v#v#v,#v#v*#v#v :V l t0,,5555,55*55 alyt7p$$Ifl!vh#v#v#v#v,#v#v*#v#v :V l t0,5555,55*55 alyt7p$$Ifl!vh#v#v#v#v,#v#v*#v#v :V l t0,5555,55*55 alyt7p$$Ifl!vh#v#v#v#v,#v#v*#v#v :V l t0,,5555,55*55 alyt7p$$Ifl!vh#v#v#v#v,#v#v*#v#v :V l t0,5555,55*55 alyt7p^ 666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontRi@R 0 Table Normal4 l4a (k ( 0No List jj }| Table Grid7:V0@@ B List Paragraph ^m$44 eR0Header  H$6o!6 eR0 Header CharCJaJ4 @24 eR0Footer  H$6oA6 eR0 Footer CharCJaJPK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭V$ !)O^rC$y@/yH*񄴽)޵߻UDb`}"qۋJחX^)I`nEp)liV[]1M<OP6r=zgbIguSebORD۫qu gZo~ٺlAplxpT0+[}`jzAV2Fi@qv֬5\|ʜ̭NleXdsjcs7f W+Ն7`g ȘJj|h(KD- dXiJ؇(x$( :;˹! 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