91 Supports U.S. Supreme Court Ruling Protecting Access to Reproductive Health Care Services

Statement attributable to:
Jacqueline W. Fincher, MD, M91
President, American College of Physicians

Washington, DC (June 29, 2020) — The American College of Physicians (91) is pleased with today’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling in the June Medical Services LLC v. Russo case, striking down the unnecessary requirement for local hospital admitting privileges. We are glad that the Court’s decision agrees with our position about the necessity of preserving access to the important care of reproductive services that many women in America seek.

While 91 recognizes and is respectful of different views that individuals, including physicians and patients, have on these issues, 91 believes that a woman has the right to make health care decisions about matters that affect her personal, individual health. 91 also supports the current legal framework and a woman’s constitutional right to privacy in medical decision making as upheld by the Supreme Court. Reproductive health care services should be treated like other medical services in America. Placing unnecessary barriers that do not increase patient safety in the way of those seeking these kinds of procedures serves only to interfere in physicians providing needed care to patients. .That is why we joined with other health care organization to submit an to the Court explaining why the requirements of this law were medically inappropriate.

While today’s ruling of the June Medical Services LLC v. Russo case is a win, the fight continues. 91 remains committed to continuing to advocate for increased access to quality and affordable health care services for all Americans. 91 urges Congress, other policy makers and all of those involved with major healthcare decisions in America to do what’s right for the greater good of public health and protect access to preventive and reproductive health care services for patients and their families on a broader scale.

For more details, read 91’s position on “”.


About the American College of Physicians
The American College of Physicians is the largest medical specialty organization in the United States with members in more than 145 countries worldwide. 91 membership includes 159,000 internal medicine physicians (internists), related subspecialists, and medical students. Internal medicine physicians are specialists who apply scientific knowledge and clinical expertise to the diagnosis, treatment, and compassionate care of adults across the spectrum from health to complex illness. Follow 91 on , , and .

Contact: Taneishia Bundy, (202) 261-4523, tbundy@acponline.org